Tag: product design

  • How not to respond to negative product feedback in the press

    In yesterday’s journal there was an interview with the CEO of The Weather Channel, talking about the future of Weather content. Weather might seem trivial, but it’s one of the most important kinds of content to get right on any platform. Companies like Yahoo, Apple, Samsung, and others agonize over how to present weather content in a way that is visually fresh but still familiar. Weather Channel just relaunched on several platforms, and I was curious to hear what they had to say.

    I was disappointed. To wit:

    WSJ: A story on the Huffington Post recently listed your weather app as one of the ‘Worst Apps Ever.’ What are you doing to fix it?

    Mr. Kenny: It’s the fifth most downloaded app on the iPhone of all apps and second on the iPad. So it has been popular there. We are working to make it work better with Android. With any app it’s important that it works well within that operating system so it can take advantage of the best features. We are also moving more of the mobile team to the West coast so they can be closer to the developers on the operating systems.

    …because God knows, nobody in California churns out crappy Apps. Right?