6. Prepare your intent.
A little preparation goes a long way toward saying what you wanted to say and having a conversation achieve its intended impact. Don’t prepare a speech; develop an understanding of what the focus of a conversation needs to be (in order for people to hear the message) and how you will accomplish this. Your communication will be more persuasive and on point when you prepare your intent ahead of time.
2. Talk so people will listen.
Great communicators read their audience (groups and individuals) carefully to ensure they aren’t wasting their breath on a message that people aren’t ready to hear. Talking so people will listen means you adjust your message on the fly to stay with your audience (what they’re ready to hear and how they’re ready to hear it). Droning on to ensure you’ve said what you wanted to say does not have the same effect on people as engaging them in a meaningful dialogue in which there is an exchange of ideas. Resist the urge to drive your point home at all costs. When your talking leads to people asking good questions, you know you’re on the right track.
– Travis Bradberry, 8 Secrets of Great Communicators
Tag: management
On Communicating
Management and Practice
The dog days of summer continue. I’d like to say that this gives me lots of time for careful reflection and reading but that hasn’t been the case. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of good material this week.
First, the Wall Street Journal talked to Henry “Managers not MBAs” Mintzberg to find out What Managers Really Do. Mintzberg looks at how managers handle interruptions, and discusses three ways that managers can create results.
In a similar vein, Michael Loop has an old-but-good article on how to move a software project from crisis to cruise. Read how he runs his staff meeting – I’m going to give this a try this week.
Finally, I just finished reading “Talent is Overrated” by Geoff Colvin. Excellent book, despite being blurbed by Noel Tichy. (Note to author: don’t get blurbs from narcissists. Especially those who you interviewed in the book. Looks desperate.). Colvin’s description of deliberate practice reminded me of something I read last year that explained what business leaders can learn from how elite athletes train and improve.
And so what, according to Colvin and Graham Jones, was the secret to exceptional performance? Here’s a hint:
Design by Objective
I’m a big fan of managing by objective. Wherever possible, I believe that PMs, engineers, testers and designers should begin their work by first agreeing to (or at least accepting) a list of user and business objectives that a feature or product should fulfill. This will be useful in framing the many discussions that will follow.
This week in Why Microsoft Had to Destroy Word Peter Merholz discusses how Microsoft made some tough decisions in the design of Word 2007. He specifically talks about how Microsoft and Tivo set out “design tenets” or “design mantras” which then governed the design and implementation of key features. Worth a read.
Rule 2: Don’t be a victim.
As a product manager it is tempting to blame failures on the action – or inaction – of others. This is dangerous because it allows one to avoid responsibility for the commtiments they make.
To be a great product manager you have to be a good leader. That means holding yourself accountable. The best definition of accountability I’ve seen describes accountability as “a personal choice to rise above one’s circumstances and demonstrate the ownership necessary for achieving desired results (Connors, Smith and Hickman, ‘The Oz Principle‘).”
When I worked on the Yahoo! home page a colleague approached me with an idea that would generate significant new revenue. So the two of us sat down to check his math and figure out how to implement it.
It turned out that he was right, but that to implement his idea we’d need to rely on a dysfunctional team in a distant office. As a result, completing the project would require both of us to spend a lot of time doing other peoples’ jobs.
So we started the project and began to muddle through. Soon enough, the predicted problems arose and began to slow our progress. Frustrated, I took the issue to my boss and asked for his advice. I described the problem to him and he gave me some detailed guidance. Then, we wrapped up the conversation something like this:
“Will this make money for Yahoo!?”
“Is it good for the user?”
“Do you still want to do this?”
“Yes, but it will be a huge pain in the ass to implement.”
“Then don’t be a victim. If you really want to do this, you can – and I’ll give you all the help you need. It’s up to you.”
And so I had my revelation.
This project would require me to get my hands very dirty – but the business benefit was huge, and if the project succeeded I would get a lot of the credit. So I decided to commit and push it through.
It turns out that the problems weren’t nearly as big as I originally thought. After a week or two of messy work – which consisted mostly of managing people who didn’t work for me – we got things on track and launched the feature. And it actually performed as expected, and drove a significant amount of new revenue into our business.
Too many people fall victims to their dependencies. Victims blame others for their failures rather than taking accountablity for things that happen and trying to correct for them. Leaders take accountability for what they commit to do.
That said, smart leaders are very careful what they commit to. You can only take on a few of these “special missions” at once and so you need to save them for the most important things. You also have to accept the fact that sometimes, the most important things will be things that you are ordered to do, not necessarily the things that you feel the need to do. When this happens, argue vigorously, accept the orders of your superiors, and plan for the “I told you so” contingency. That way, if it turns out that you were right all along, you’re still in a position to fix the underlying problem.