I’ve been prototyping some App ideas on my MacBook Pro; this post is to help me keep track of the tools I’m using and how I’ve installed them. Feel free to add corrections and feedback. Here’s what I installed:
- the XCode command line tools from developer.apple.com, which includes make
- Homebrew , which seems to be the state of the art for UNIX package management on the Mac
- TextWrangler as my text editor and Mou as a markdown editor
- Python 2.7, through Homebrew; I have yet to try this myself. Although Lion includes Python 2.7, it doesn’t include all of the python source files, which breaks debugging in eclipse.
- Node.js (which is needed for Bootstrap, so far as I can tell); this can be installed with Homebrew (brew install node) or from the Node.js website through a downloaded package
- The Node.js packages needed for Twitter Bootstrap: recess, jshint, and uglify-js; read @izs’s “Introduction to npm” to get this rolling
- Twitter Bootstrap (install it with git: git clone git://github.com/twitter/bootstrap.git, then run make)
- Google App Engine
- And here’s how to Get Started on GAE with Python
- Eclipse
- The Google plugin for Eclipse
Let me know what I’m missing. I’m going to try and fill in the gaps, and then write some more detailed instructions, where appropriate, to help people get up and running.